A big part of the working capital that helps Nebraska open its doors to families, invest in new projects and grow its workforce comes from long-term investments by life insurers. Our companies have invested $44 billion in Nebraska’s economy with agricultural loans, education bonds, residential and retail mortgages and more. We are here to strengthen communities and families across the Cornhusker State.
Investing in Agriculture
Life insurers have $618 million invested currently in agricultural loans in Nebraska providing the financing for farmers to buy land and support their operations.
Investing in Infrastructure
Life insurers have invested in the Public Power Generation Agency, the City of Lincoln Airport Authority, the Central Plains Energy Project and more, with bond purchases for a wide range of infrastructure needs totaling $389 million.
Investing in Industry
The Cornhusker State is also a state for industry! Life insurers are investing in jobs and industry, providing nearly $92 million in loans in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lincoln.
Investing in Retail
By providing $185 million in retail mortgage loans, life insurers play a role in boosting employment in Nebraska. The National Retail Federation says that 25 percent of jobs are supported by the retail industry in the state.
Investing in Education
Life insurers have purchased nearly $290 million in bonds issued by education-based entities, including the University of Nebraska, Douglas County School District, Lancaster County School District and more.
Investing in Apartments/Multifamily
In Omaha, Lincoln, North Platte and other cities, life insurers have invested more than $860 million in mortgages for apartment buildings and multifamily units, helping families call Nebraska “home.”