American families benefit when life insurers invest $664 million daily in education, agriculture, housing, infrastructure, capital improvements and more. Our long-term investments are #MeetingTheMoment in every corner of the country.
Learn how our long-term investments build and support the communities Americans work and play in.
When cities, states and local utilities need financing for infrastructure, they often turn to life insurers. America’s life insurers have more than $71 billion invested in bonds supporting transportation and utilities throughout the country.
Cities and states throughout the country consistently seek financing to improve parks and facilities. Life insurers routinely provide this financing. They have nearly $50 billion invested in bonds that support capital improvements.
Life insurers invest in education to build better schools and create more opportunities for students and teachers. Life insurers have nearly $50 billion invested in educational entities throughout the country.
Life insurers invest in farmers and agriculture, playing a supporting role in feeding America and the world. Life insurers have nearly $26 billion invested in mortgages that support this financing throughout the country.
Life insurers have more than $8 billion invested in bonds issued mainly by state-based housing finance agencies that support low- and moderate-income housing for families and individuals throughout the country.