
A big part of the working capital that helps Delaware open its doors to families, invest in new projects and grow its workforce comes from long-term investments by life insurers. Our companies have invested $32 billion in Delaware’s economy with agricultural loans, education bonds, residential and retail mortgages and more. We are here to strengthen communities and families across the state.

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  • $24 billion in stocks and bonds that help finance business development and create new jobs
  • $6 billion in real estate, loans and other investments
  • $1 billion in mortgage loans on farms, residential, and commercial property

Investing in Education
Life insurers have invested $266 million in bonds offered for educational purposes in the state in recent years.


Investing in Apartments/Multifamily
Life insurers have invested $291 million in mortgage loans in the state in recent years, including $234 million in Wilmington and $55 million in Dover.


Investing in Office Space
Life insurers have invested $250 million in recent years in mortgages for offices in Wilmington and other locations, helping build business and commerce in the First State.


Investing in Industry
Life insurers have invested nearly $300 million in mortgage loans for industry in the state in recent years.


Investing in Retail
The National Retail Federation reports that 26 percent of the jobs in Delaware are supported by retail. Life insurers are part of this employment story, providing nearly $200 million in mortgages for retail operations.


Investing in Counties and Cities
The industry has invested over $100 million in capital improvements and other state-based investments, including for projects in New Castle County, Sussex County, and Kent County among others.